Tuesday, September 26, 2023


Welcome to ThisDone Support! We’re here to make your experience with ThisDone as seamless as possible. Discover answers to common questions, find helpful guides, and learn how to contact us for additional support.

Submit a Ticket

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit a ticket?

To submit a ticket, go to the “Submit Ticket” section in the app, fill in the necessary details, and click “Submit”.

How do I track my ticket?

You can view and track the status of your tickets in the “My Tickets” section of the app.

How to update contact info?

Navigate to “Settings” and select “Account Details” to update your contact information.

Troubleshooting Tips

Troubleshooting Tips

Troubleshooting Tips

App not working? Try restarting the app or your device and ensure you have the latest version of ThisDone installed. Not receiving notifications? Check your device's settings to make sure notifications are enabled for ThisDone.

Visit our User Guides section to learn more: 1. Getting Started with ThisDone 2. Managing Tickets [Link to User Guides]

Visit our User Guides section to learn more: 1. Getting Started with ThisDone 2. Managing Tickets [Link to User Guides]

© ThisDone 2023. All Rights Reserved.

© ThisDone 2023. All Rights Reserved.